Oklahoma Drug Rehabs

Medication Assisted Treatment vs. Abstinence by Mel Pohl, MD, FASAM of Las Vegas Recovery Center

Medication Assisted Treatment Vs. Abstinence by Mel Pohl, MD, FASAM of Las Vegas Recovery Center — Mel Pohl, of Central Recovery Treatment’s renowned inpatient chronic pain and addiction treatment center, Las Vegas Recovery Center, gave a presentation on C…

NY State Divorce…Should I Get a Lawyer?

Question by katykat0171: NY State Divorce…Should I get a lawyer?
My husband for 6 1/2 years wants a divorce because I relapsed on drugs 2 months ago. I went to treatment and am now back in NY with over 60 days clean and will continue to not use drugs.
I have not worked most of our relationship and stayed home being a housewife and going to college throughout the years which I haven’t completed because my husband makes too much money for me to get financial aid.
In the begining we dated and I found out his visa was about to expire and I wanted to keep him in my life so I married him. At first my parents helped us with money until he completed college with financial aid and got a good paying job, 3 years later.Meanwhile, I got into drugs (crack, alcohol, marjiuana) and was in and out of rehabs until march 2006 I had two years clean until march 2008.
My husband and I are best friends and still live together and want to end things as comfortable as possible but we definately want a divorce within this year. Should I get a lawyer,Alimony?

Marsha Stone Speaking on Behalf of Benchmark Recovery Center – Drug Rehab Center in Austin

Marsha Stone speaking on behalf of Benchmark Recovery Center – Drug Rehab Center in Austin — Drug rehab center in Austin video news: Marsha Stone speaking on behalf of Benchmark Recovery Center at the Big Texas Rally For Recovery on October 1st, 2011…

Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success -Amanda

Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success -Amanda — http://www.stopaddiction.com Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success. This is a graduate’s testimonial from the very successful Narconon Arrowhead program whic…

Does Anyone Know of Any FREE Rehab Centers?

Question by : Does anyone know of any FREE rehab centers?
I’ve been trying to find one for a family member for awhile now who does not have the money to pay for it, if anyone knows of any free treatment centers PLEASE share

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North Carolina Banning Bath Salts

North Carolina Banning Bath Salts — Cumberland County has already had two deaths related to a drug called bath salts and North Carolina is releasing a ban…