Does IDRC in NJ Drug Test You?

Question by : does IDRC in NJ drug test you?
My friend was convicted of a DWI for drinking and driving… He lost his license for 7 months and also has to attend a 12 hour Intoxication driving program. 2 days each of 6 hour classes… He asked me if they drug test because he smokes pot alot… I told him I havnt a clue seeing I do not do drugs or am going to the program myself but let him know yahoo answers would help him out 😉 Thanks guys!

Best answer:

Answer by Nico Jones
For all it’s worth. Your friend got away fairly well. I know of people who got 1 year suspension and probation. Pot smoker eh? a lot eh? and I bet he does it even when or while driving. In my book he does not deserve the privilege of driving, he is a public threat, in your place I would stay away from that type of subjects. Do you know if you are with him in a car and he gets stopped for any violation and in the process the car is searched and drugs are found, you will also be subject to arrest?

Answer by American Dream
No, they don’t. But I’d recommend him to stop smoking weed so much anyway.

I was arrested for DUI in NJ 5-years ago. It was the biggest mistake of my life ever driving that car, I try to forget that it happened but I can’t and I learn from it. No one got hurt from my driving but it threw my life off-track and I could only thank myself for that. I try to help others learn before they go down the same road that I went.

I live in NJ and was arrested for DUI in Hudson County near my home. I took IDRC in Jersey City. There was no drug testing done in the two-days and it was really an interesting class for my young mind to be apart of to be honest. I almost enjoyed it. They told us that some people may need to be put into a rehab program. Since I was 18 with a DUI I was sure they’d put me in a rehab but they didn’t

The guy in-charge seemed like a cop but he told us all that they weren’t cops and he was just doing his job in educating us. They were really cool people and more like social-workers trying to help everyone rather than just cops treating us as criminals.

So, no they didn’t drug test me and I don’t expect that anything has changed. You are checked when you first go in by cops though. I had to check that I didn’t have weed in my pocket like 100 times before being sure I was alright to go in.

Nico is right though and I gave him thumbs up.. It’s a DUI everytime he drives when high. The sooner he stops than the better off he will be. Believe me

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