If a Drug Addict Is Imprisoned, Would He Be Able to Undergo Addiction Treatment While in Jail?

Question by adina s: If a drug addict is imprisoned, would he be able to undergo addiction treatment while in jail?
This just crossed my mind as I was reading a pamphlet about how drug users are sometimes imprisoned because of a variety of reasons. If they get released without being treated, it is likely that they will just commit crimes or acts of violence again.

Best answer:

Answer by sunshinebuglover
if a drug addict is imprisoned, by very nature of imprisonment he IS getting treatment because he is denied access to the drug for an extended period of time, which is long enough to detox and get it out of your system so you stop craving.

Answer by arriana dn
Yes, drug addicts are being treated even while in jail. Studies have even shown that treatment need not be voluntary for it to be effective. Treatment for addicts is made even more effective when it is continued until the offender is safely back in the community.

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