drug addicts

Drug Abuse and Cindy McCain – After the Election. Should Not All Addicts Be Equal in the Eye of the Law?

Question by FBH: Drug Abuse and Cindy McCain – After the election. Should not all addicts be equal in the eye of the law?
…just a thought.

(Question Disclaimer: This IS a valid question, one I am looking for an answer to. If this question somehow upsets you – please choose not to answer it.)

Speech Help…importance of Not Doing Drugs.?

Question by Cory D: Speech Help…importance of not doing drugs.?
Im going a speech for english. it needs to be at least 4 minutes long and i got about 2 minutes of that covered. its about the importance of not doing drugs. i have 3 main points but i need some more behind them. they’re Life in jail, life out of jail and health effects. so whats all this like and how does it affect you is what im asking.

Can You Go to Drug Rehab for Food Addiction?

Question by : Can you go to drug rehab for food addiction?
I’m definitely addicted to food and nowhere in my state is there a federally funded rehab. I know of a very good program for alcoholics/drug addicts and I was thinking about that. I figured since I like to drink to get drunk and I like blacking out that I could just emphasize that into being worse than it is. That rehab has ongoing counseling that I desperately need but cannot afford. I’m kind of afraid they will find out I am a fraud and kick me out. Does this sound plausible or just plain crazy?

Drug Addiction?

Question by …: Drug addiction?
What happens to a drug addict? What damges do drugs do in theyr body?
Do you belive that drug addiction is far more worse thatn alcohol addiction???

Best answer:

Answer by PhatPheline
alcohol is a drug…in the end, it’s all damage and usually death

Drug Addicted Family Member and Christmas?

Question by Blundt Cake: Drug addicted family member and Christmas?
My brother is a drug addict. He’s done everything drug addicts do- lies, steals, crashes with withdrawals, lashes out, mistreats people, “borrows” money, blames everyone, uses people, lives in denial, can’t keep a job, doesn’t pay bills.
He has treated my mother like dirt, doing everything to her just listed including standing outside her house screaming and cursing at her and most recently stealing Xmas gifts from her house that she bought for other people.
She has bailed him out for years — picked him up from ER, jail, court, gave him money (thousands!), paid his rent, bought food, etc. etc. etc.

If a Drug Addict Is Imprisoned, Would He Be Able to Undergo Addiction Treatment While in Jail?

Question by adina s: If a drug addict is imprisoned, would he be able to undergo addiction treatment while in jail?
This just crossed my mind as I was reading a pamphlet about how drug users are sometimes imprisoned because of a variety of reasons. If they get released without being treated, it is likely that they will just commit crimes or acts of violence again.